You Are That Star

When my mom unexpectedly and suddenly crossed to the other side on October 1, 2014 my world was temporarily completely destroyed. She was my life, my best friend, my pillar, my strength, my everything. This message is not about that though. On September 26, 2014 I sent my mom an email with the picture and text below: 

After she passed, I saw her cell phone. You can imagine the feeling when I picked it up and saw her wallpaper was the image I’d sent her just five days prior. I never told anyone. My mom and I always shared so many little secrets. They weren’t secrets on purpose, just things that we both felt, did, said, understood, and believed. She had always told me as a kid that there was something different about me and about her relationship with me. I felt it too, but I don’t know what it was. It’s as if we knew each other from before the time we ever arrived here on Earth. Like she and my grandmother and I all came here together to continue some path or mission or journey from the past. 

The other evening while rifling through old emails between my mom and me, I came across one that she wrote to me on February 1, 2011 and it really struck me. It reads,

“When I was a young girl, I reached into the heavens and pulled down a star. I kept it close to my heart. My whole life has been spent carrying that star, not knowing why. Now I know why. You are that star.” 

We are all someone’s star. Someone is carrying you close to their heart right now. It may even be someone you don’t know yet. 

Can we allow this to change our lives? Can we, beginning now, commit to walking through our days with our heads up. Tighten our belt buckles. Hold ourselves to higher standards. 

Know that we are never truly alone, we are being carried, we are loved. 

You are that star.

My mom, Susan Adair Lupold

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