With The Door Wide Open

George Lucas famously claimed, “We are all living in cages, with the door wide open.” I know I sure have lived in cages unintentionally, and in so many different ways. Without a doubt I still am, but when I know better I do better.

Our most limiting cage is our own minds. Not knowing our power and freedom, and also choosing negative thoughts. Some other cages are in the forms of relationships, friendships, jobs, and even classrooms.

Limiting beliefs, lies, doubts, darkness, quite frankly our minds at times can be a living hell! Which in turn creates similar experiences on the physical plane. Our minds are gardens and we sometimes unknowingly allow ourselves and others to plant some pretty rotten falsehoods in there. 

We cannot create different experiences- happier ones, freedom, peace, all while holding onto everything that is not serving us well to begin with.  

As the saying goes, the more we let go the higher we fly. Everything we’re searching for out there, is already our. Instead of adding, start subtracting. Begin allowing, stop forcing and start flowing. 

Letting go of falsehoods makes room for the truths. Trade doubt for belief. If it feels like a cage, it probably is. And we don’t belong there. 

The door is wide open, let’s go!

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