Winter Solstice ’21

Winter Solstice again upon us, my heart is filled with joy, excitement, and anticipation. 

So much to look forward to! The shortest day of the year- that in and of itself is pretty darn cool! And the knowing that each day is getting longer for the next 6 months is both a reminder to enjoy the dark quiet nights while they last, and also serves as hope on the nights when the darkness seems too much.

Christmas being only days away and New Years not too far beyond. The magic of the Christmas Spirit- it seems to last from now ’til then. 

The beginning of perhaps my favorite season- a season to reflect, to enjoy the silence outdoors as the world around me seems to retreat indoors. And how I love the way the snowfall transforms an already peaceful scene to an all-out experience of pure serenity to be enjoyed and absorbed by every sense! 

Sightly. Silent. Serene. 

And yes there’s more! My annual winter trip to the shores of Lake Erie! 

Lake Erie, Winter 2021

Oh you wouldn’t believe the beauty! The sights, the sounds, the rapidly-changing conditions of the lake I love so much! The blustery winds, the daily snow showers, and believe me when I tell you- one breath of crispy glacial air will fill your being with magic, newness, hopes, and bliss! 

Much like I don’t care to live each day the same, I wouldn’t care to live each season the same. One thing I’ve learned for sure is that there is so much to be said for contrast. Without the cold perhaps I’d not enjoy the sweltering July heat. And without the thick and humid July air, perhaps I wouldn’t enjoy the frigid winter winds!

My hope for you this day, this season, is that you find the good in every “bad,” the gain in every loss, and that in every darkness you allow the light to reveal itself.

Happy first day of Winter, friends!

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