What Is Forever

Does anything but love last forever. And what is forever anyway. Thoughts to ponder not questions to answer.

If energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed then what is life and what is death?

None of us are here forever, or are we? If we are energy {which we are} then we can’t be destroyed.

What we call Life is in fact a cycle. A cycle we spend in the physical form of a human body. Nature is about cycles and this physical incarnation is simply a cycle. There is something before and there is something after. Have you ever wondered what?

We often cling so tightly to things like relationships, circumstances, people, friendships, even Life itself- clinging so tightly to what or who they are, what they were, or what we want them to be- not allowing them to transform, change, or dissolve. We tend to expect ourselves and others to be the same person every single day, for years, perhaps forever.

We marry and promise forever, perhaps not fully comprehending that forever is- well, forever. Not knowing or keeping in mind that Life and nature are literally cycles, and that means that people and relationships have cycles as well.

Our inability or refusal to change and grow and let go, to me, seems more like what we call death than actual death.

We allow fear to run our lives in these ways. Fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear and discomfort of saying goodbye. 

What I’d like to share with you before you go is a new perspective. Every perceived ending is in fact a new beginning

As Alan Watts has said, we are the only species to hoard our dead. I would like to add to that by saying we are also the only species to hoard and hold onto dead relationships, dead versions of others, dead versions of ourselves, etc.

For a moment imagine the world as a tree and we are the leaves. We are all a part of the same creation- always changing and transforming, no matter how hard some of us may try to stay the same. And just as leaves drop to the ground in the Autumn- transforming into soil to help the next cycle of growth- we too are here as part of a cycle. 

Currently listening to Out of Your Mind” by Alan Watts, -available on Audible.

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