The Best Day

I don’t know if you’re a dog person or not, but I saw this and thought it was adorable and oh so true.

I thought about it for days. Finally one evening I decided to ask my youngest dog, Jackson. “Is today the best day of your life?”

Without delay and quite matter-of-factly, he replied, “Today is the only day!” And he continued on, sniffing the kitchen floor for any crumbs that may have fallen.

And every day since, at random moments throughout my days, the thought pops into my head, and my heart can’t help but smile. “Wow. Today truly is the best day, it really is the only day.” What a unique and lovely perspective!

There are so many quotes about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. But my new favorite is Jackson’s quote because for me it doesn’t get any simpler, truer, more inspiring, and to the point!  

I hope today is your best day!

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