Reclaim Your Power

I want to share with you today what it might look like to reclaim your own power. I am sharing just two examples- two that hit close to home for me recently.

Sometimes life is going to kick your ass. And if it doesn’t, it might be safe to assume that you need to get off your ass, so you can go get it kicked.

When life is kicking your butt, you seem to get knocked back down every single time you get up. Keep getting up! I have seen some feel-good quotes with sentiments such as, “It’s okay if all you did today was survive,” and “You don’t have to have a good day; it’s good enough to just get through it.”

I am here to tell you (and to remind myself) that these are not mindsets that you want to resonate with on any kind of regular basis, if ever. No matter what is going on in your life, how often or how badly you are getting your ass kicked, you have got to do more than just survive or get by. If you are not thriving, even under such circumstances, you are putting yourself much further behind than necessary. 

On the grounds that it may help someone else I will share with you- 2021 kicked my ass bigtime! Not only did it kick my butt, the kickins were so frequent and severe that I eventually let them have power over me. I lost my “umpf”- I was getting up with an eyeroll and waiting for the next hit. NEVER AGAIN!

I had given much of my power away to external circumstances and situations. Many of which I had little or no control over. 2021 was a lesson I hope not to forget- never give your power to external circumstances or situations

As don Miguel Ruiz tells us in one of my favorite books The Four Agreementsdon’t take anything personally. This can be a tough skill to master, but it is super fun to practice! I’ve been consciously practicing it for several years and I have gotten so much better at it. 

I recently shared some personal news with someone- news that I was beyond excited about. The response and energy I received in return at first felt like a punch in the gut and incredibly deflating. However this time it didn’t take me days or weeks or longer to get over it. I didn’t doubt my own excitement or try to analyze their response. I instead recalled and brought forth this Agreement. And with that, I chucked their shitty response in the fuck-it bucket and immediately reclaimed my power, allowing myself to return to my delightful state of excitement. 

If you have more suggestions or ideas on what it might look like for one to take back his / her own power, why not share in the comments and help others!

Currently listening to Reclaim Your Power playlist 

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