One Small Change

Today’s To Do Task:

Make one small but consistent positive change in your life. Something. Anything. It can be as seemingly insignificant as becoming more aware of and improving your posture, tidying up your space, not participating in gossip, etc. 

Make one small change, start today. Each day, take time to reflect on the changes you are making, the way you are following through with them, and how you feel about that. Recommit to your changes each day. Celebrate yourself and speak kind words to yourself.

This is how we change our lives. This is how we improve, gain, and maintain self trust, self respect, and self love.

One small change at a time gets us there. 

Reach out to me if you are interested in one-on-one coaching. Available via Zoom with the Life Alignment course- a 12 week course built and guaranteed to change your life. Two openings available and running at a discounted rate for the 1st quarter of 2023! 

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