Mother’s Day Thoughts

Happy Mother’s Day to all who are mothers in any kind of way. Whether you offer your motherly ways, advice, and energy to others, or have given birth to children, adopted children, were unable to have children, were judged for not wanting to have children, are grieving the loss of your own mom, struggling to become a mom, lost a child,.. We are all mothers in one way or another. 

My mom has been gone for 6 1/2 years. Well she’s not exactly gone since she was (and is) energy and energy never dies. I should technically say that the body she existed in perished 6 1/2 years ago. 

Today I quietly celebrate her and my grandmother in my heart and in my thoughts. We were soul mates. Three of a kind in many ways.

My Mom
My Grandmother

I also quietly celebrate those women who have brought their love and light into my world. They have given me more to be grateful for than to grieve about. 

For several years after my mom left, Mother’s Day was torture. Though I had my own kids who were trying to brighten my day, all I wanted was to brighten my own mom’s Mother’s Day. Having so much love for her and not being able to show her, tell her, and shower her with gifts was the absolute worst. 

As I crawled and walked and fought my way through all the grief, and persisted onward towards the light, things would change slowly but quite surely.

Fast forward to today, my Mother’s Day is spent in a state of gratitude, wonderment, and love. I close my eyes and can picture the faces and smiles of a handful of pure-hearted beautiful and loving women in my life today. I am blessed, inspired, and in awe. I am also blessed to have two happy healthy kids who bring me so much laughter and happiness. 

Thank you to those gals who are always there, who offer friendship, hope and love and laughter. And thank you to my beautiful kids who also offer so much laughter, and who teach me over and over just how little I actually know! Thank you to my beautiful mom who gave me the gift of life.  And last but certainly not least, thank you to my dad for being there and for “picking up the slack” when my mom passed. 

There is always someone or something to celebrate on Mother’s Day. I hope that no matter your situation, you’re able create a perspective that allows you to do exactly that – celebrate this day for all it is. And if you can’t, just reach out- you know where to find me..

Listening to a song that I always used to sing to my mom in my car when we were out: Thank You for Being a Friend

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