Jackson 4

Four years ago today I brought Johnna to the farm to pick out a puppy from the litter.

There were maybe 8 or 10 of you. You ran around like a playful and crazy little fella. But every single time she picked you up, it’s like a switch was flipped and you immediately turned into this very serious, loving, caring little soul. She’d set you down and you’d go run around again. She picked up a few of your siblings, but none were quite like you. I think the deal was actually sealed the first time she picked you up. There was no turning back.

We brought you home and you were so incredibly happy and sweet from the very start. From what I can tell all you ever wanted was to love. To please. To make the world, our worlds, a better place.

Before long, your human sister became wrapped up in teenagerism and commitments with school and volleyball. It was you and me. You went everywhere with me. I didn’t want to leave you in your crate. You went and worked on investment properties with me as I prepared them for new tenants. The hardware store. Walks. Hikes. Vacations. We did yardwork together. Napped together.

You bridged the gap and filled the void as Johnna went through years of being “busy” and transformation. Looking back, I can see so clearly the orchestration of it all. We didn’t know it at the time- she brought you into my life to bridge the times that she’d be gone. 

Four years later, Jackson, we have countless memories together. So many vacations, so many walks and hikes and so much laughter you’ve given me. You set my heart free when I didn’t know it was caged. You’re my very best friend, the best I’ve ever had.

Happy 4 years Jackson “Badman” Sim. I could never in a million years make you (or anyone) understand what you mean to me. I could never possibly begin to repay you for the goodness, happiness, and transformation you brought and continue to bring to my life. I love you Buddy, forever and always.

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