Freedom Is Here

A few days into the new year. For a moment I ponder what was left behind and what is here that’s new.

In between the zoo keeping, house keeping, holiday clean-up and a card game with my daughter here and there, I’ve spent some time the last few days backing up old laptops and pc’s containing photos and emails dating back to 1999, and also setting up a new laptop.

In the process I found myself taking trips down Memory Lane. Not something I’ve believed in or been a fan of the last few years. And by trips I don’t mean two or three. It’d be fair to say that I wasn’t really here the last 3 days. So my apologies if you’ve tried to reach me, but I was stuck somewhere in between 1999 and 2018. 

I awoke yesterday morning to such beauty. A cold and icy morning with peeks of sunshine that were seemingly trying to clear the fog and melt the ice. 

I’d been outside enjoying the sights and sounds in my backyard. The sunlight reflecting off the ice on the trees, the sounds of the ice cracking and breaking on the tree branches as a slight breeze would come through, followed by the broken ice falling to the frozen ground below.

As the morning progressed though, the sun retreated and the rain and fog won out. In the meantime I’d gotten a call from a tenant and had to go handle the issue and meet a contractor to help me with it.. the day got away from me. By nightfall I was working with electronics again, and sneaking more trips down that lane I said I don’t believe in visiting.

I’m back now though, and WOW! I can’t remember ever being so grateful to be in the present moment when nothing fun or exciting was going on! 

I guess all in all it was time well spent, that Memory Lane place, as it lead me here to this present moment where I am grateful for simply being in this moment. Where nothing is going on, I’m alone, at home, it’s quiet, I’m okay, AND- I am not tied to a past. Not fretting a future. Just here. And happy. 

And I hope you are too.


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