Floating on Clouds

I almost dipped back to my old ways about a month ago- self pity and depression. I found myself saying, “Why can’t it be July again? You know why I want that? Because problems don’t exist in July!” 

The moment I said it, a brief mental movie of memories and scenes from this past July played in my head. “Ahhh, peace,” I thought to myself as I smiled. The entire month seemed stress-free, care-free, peaceful, and serene.

The defining and best moment though, the absolute most fun I had was the Saturday afternoon that I floated on clouds with my grandmother and mom. The three of us had been close, soul sisters, spirit buddies, on similar spiritual missions before they crossed to the other side 8 years ago and 6 years ago respectively. 

Saturday afternoon on the clouds.

It was a 90-some degree Saturday afternoon. Partly cloudy, incredibly humid, just the way I love it! Somewhere in between mowing, trimming, and gardening I treated myself to some pool time.

While floating on a raft I grew bored with imagining what animals and objects the different clouds resembled and decided instead to close my eyes and jump on top of one of the clouds. Imagine my surprise when after landing on one, I heard laughter! I looked over and there was my mom and my grandmother on the two clouds next to me! I gasped with surprise and with happy tears in my eyes I began laughing right along with them! Before I knew it I was laughing and crying and laughing some more! We floated on clouds, just laughing and laughing. No words were spoken. I’m not sure how much time passed as we laughed and floated on those clouds. Was it 15 minutes, an hour, days?! What I do know is that it was hands down the most enjoyable and magical moment of my entire year.

I hope I remember to recall this happiness as it’s truly never more than a thought away. And I hope you remember that too- that happiness is only a thought away!

And please if you call and I don’t answer, it may be because I’m out floating on a cloud.

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