Don’t Follow Your Dreams

“Follow your dreams.” “Chase your dreams.” “Go after your dreams.”

Though well-intended, I think this is terrible advice. If you want to live your dreams- STOP CHASING THEM! That’s right-


Rather, get out there in front of them and allow them to chase you. Become the person that such dreams would chase. Starting right now- walk, talk, think, and act like she (/he) would. BE the person you envision in those dreams. Live them before they even happen; draw them to you! 

What is meant for us isn’t going to run so why are we trying to give chase? 

Walk right into your dreams rather than envisioning them as something that you are constantly having to run or chase after. That’s exhausting! 

We should still leave no stone unturned, and always do what we can with what we have from where we are. From there simply let go and let God (Universe / Source). 

“If you want to accord with the Tao, just do your job, then let go.” ~Lao Tzu

That’s it. Just do your job then let it go.

Today and every day, I challenge you to start showing up as the person who is already living those dreams. See what happens!

Check out flickr for more quotes!

Reach out if you’d like some guidance in aligning yourself with your dreams and goals- I would love the opportunity to help you! 

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