
A Second Chance

I was recently presented an unexpected opportunity to revisit my 16 year daughter as her five year old self. To have frozen myself in that moment would have meant living forever in absolute awe and bliss.

Can’t You Smell That Smell?

The last few mornings when I’ve awoken and stepped outside There’s been a fairly strong aroma. Not overwhelmingly strong, but definitely impossible to miss. Taking a few slow deep breaths, I know without a doubt what this familiar aroma is, and a happy peaceful smile makes its way across my face…

Time to Go

What are some ways that you know full well, without a doubt, that it is time to exit a relationship / friendship? Here I share with you one clear way for me.

The Best Day

Is today the best day of our lives? According to one guy I know, it’s not just our best day, it’s our only day! Here I share with you a unique perspective offered by a very wise fella.