
Half Eaten Cookies

I walked into my daughter’s room to grab something. She wasn’t home. Afterall, she’s 18 and very busy.  I opened the door and glanced across the room. Something caught my eye. On her bed was a cookie container with a half eaten cookie in it.  My heart filled with joy and I smiled from the …

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New Years Eve

It’s New Years Eve and my home is filled with extended family and laughter. We stay up playing games, eating great food, and sharing stories. New Years Eves like this repeat for the better part of about 15 years. Family time at its very best- excitement and happiness fill the air each NYE in my …

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You Are That Star

When I was a young girl, I reached into the heavens and pulled down a star. I kept it close to my heart. My whole life has been spent carrying that star, not knowing why. Now I know why. You are that star. ~Written by my mom Susan Adair-Lupold in an email to me dated …

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London in New York

“What’s your base?” the woman behind the counter at the cafe asked.  “Kale Caesar salad,” we replied. A more accurate answer would have been laughter, unplanned moments, and just the right amount of insanity. That’s our true base; anything on top of that is a bonus. I love every moment with this girl. My daughter, …

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“You I don’t worry about. You’re strong, you can do anything. When you set your mind to something, you make it happen. Always.” ~my Dad, over lunch two days ago. The serendipitous timing of these kind and empowering words that my dad spoke to me will not soon be forgotten.  Listening to Song for Dad …

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Moments in Time

Small nameless moments with Johnna. So many times over the last 18 years I wanted to freeze time so I could spend forever with her. Today and many days, I would still freeze time if I could. But not even forever would be a long enough time with my daughter. Johnna

The Sanctuary

Did you come to church, The people said. Did you join us there for wine and bread. No, I didn’t was my reply. Instead I watched a cloud pass by. And (He) shed a tear for all to see. This piece was written by my mom- Author Susan Adair Lupold. There was originally more to …

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Talks with Dad

“I wanted to be your dad. And I wanted you to be my daughter” My dad, last night at the dining room table.

Flowers from London

“I got you flowers.”  I was fast asleep all snug in my bed when I was awoken by those words. They were spoken gently by my teenage daughter who was standing at my bedside. I awoke and groggily asked, “Why?” as she held them before me. “Just because,” she answered as she extended them towards me. A day …

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Breakfast with Johnna

Never wanted my baby girl to grow up. Yet I find myself immersed in the wonder of who she’ll be, so proud of who she is. Grateful for the fun and happy years spending so much time with who she’s been. Taking in each moment big and small, as the balance between mommy, mom, and …

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