Self Empowerment

Life Isn’t Always Linear

Continuous progress in life is imperative– however it is also important to keep in mind that life is in fact a spiral. Keep learning, keep growing, and each time you find you’re passing through situations you thought you outgrew, be sure to pick up the deeper meanings, the gems of truths! Life isn’t always linear. …

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Deck Stacking

“Be as you wish to seem.” — Socrates  Trying something new? Setting new goals? Approaching new and exciting endeavors? Would you like to play a much bigger game and guarantee your own success? Stack the deck in your favor! Set yourself up for success. Following are a few tips to keep in mind while you’re stepping …

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Don’t Follow Your Dreams

“Follow your dreams.” “Chase your dreams.” “Go after your dreams.” Though well-intended, I think this is terrible advice. If you want to live your dreams- STOP CHASING THEM! That’s right- STOP CHASING YOUR DREAMS! Rather, get out there in front of them and allow them to chase you. Become the person that such dreams would …

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Ever have an inspired thought or idea? I’m guessing so, I mean who hasn’t! We allow most of our inspired ideas to come and go, never following up on them. Never taking action. Oftentimes it’s because we don’t know the “how’s,” or we think it simply wouldn’t be possible. The voices in our head throw …

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