Self Empowerment

Transforming Trauma

Transforming Trauma: The Crucible of Growth In life, we often encounter obstacles and challenges that seem impossible to overcome, some may even shake the very foundation of our being. These hurdles, sometimes disguised as trauma, can be excruciatingly painful, pushing us to the limits of our emotional and mental resilience. However, it’s essential to recognize …

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What the Snakes Didn’t Foresee

Part 1 – The Foreseeing Snakes Navigating the Complex Transformation: When Sobriety Changes Everything In life, we often witness the powerful impact of personal transformation, especially when individuals choose sobriety and leave behind the chains of addiction. While this journey is commendable and often leads to positive outcomes, there are cases where the process takes …

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Happy Moments, Sad Reminders

The Bittersweet Symphony of Happiness: Why Joyful Moments Can Elicit Sadness Within the complicated tapestry of human emotions, happiness and sadness often dance together in a delicate balance, creating a bittersweet symphony that resonates through our lives. While we typically associate happy occasions with joy, there exists a subtle undercurrent of sadness that can unexpectedly …

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Embrace The Unknown

Embrace the Unknown: The Importance of Taking Chances Taking chances and making mistakes are two fundamental aspects of life that can lead to significant growth and learning opportunities. It’s human nature to want to avoid failure and stay within our comfort zones, but we often forget that failures are not always failures. In fact, they …

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Authenticity- Closing the Gap

“Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world.” ~Adam Grant In today’s fast-paced and complex world it can be challenging to stay true to ourselves at times. With so many competing priorities, it is easy to lose sight of our passions and forget what …

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The Present Moment

Having recently worked with someone who was full of anxiety, worry, and on a downward spiral, I was reminded of this wisdom-  A simple yet significant and potentially life-changing sentiment. In moments of despair, anxiety, depression, worry, etc. we are handing over our power to such feelings and the thoughts that are creating them. Trying …

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