Riding Lessons
Ever feel like you were just too much for some people? Or maybe even like you live in a completely separate world than others? Well, maybe you are and maybe you do!
Ever feel like you were just too much for some people? Or maybe even like you live in a completely separate world than others? Well, maybe you are and maybe you do!
Ever been ousted by a group you thought you belonged with or to? I have, and here I share my experience.
Mother’s Day isn’t just for moms. It’s a day to celebrate, and I invite you to view it from a new perspective! Here I share my own..
Mother’s Day Thoughts Read More »
Have you ever tried to become nobody? I have! And here I share my thoughts and experiences with it.
Looking for a way to change the world AND destress yourself? Check this out!
The Lives You Touch Read More »
What are some ways that you know full well, without a doubt, that it is time to exit a relationship / friendship? Here I share with you one clear way for me.
Shhh… Do you hear that? If you listen carefully enough people will tell (show) you exactly who they are… and aren’t.
Should a voice ask you, “Who are you?” how will you answer? Who in fact are you, and is there anyone you’re not?
..and sipping our cups of water, he mentioned he wished I still had my mom. “It’s okay Dad, I wouldn’t fit in that space anymore anyway. I wouldn’t go back even if I could.” He looked a bit shocked, and frankly I may have too..
Don’t Worry About Me Dad Read More »
…Knucklehead! Or as my grandmother would say, “dummkopf!” …
With The Door Wide Open Read More »