Buying Time

Who says you can’t buy time? 

The holiday season again upon us, I find myself content and barely stressed. Well, except for that one night… But all in all a much different state of mind than in times passed.

Shopping frenzies a thing of the past. A fading but never forgotten memory. After all, how could I forget? Having disliked shopping all my life, annoyed and laughing at my own ridiculousness as I’d find myself sweating like a hard-working man with each passing moment spent waiting in lines! Throwing money at gifts that nobody wanted. (Sometimes money I didn’t even have!) Hours and hours spent wrapping hundreds of gifts, spent away from the very people I love most- all because I had to wrap the gifts I bought them that they’d probably barely enjoy! Buying gifts for some just for the sake of saying I did. Gatherings with those I didn’t want to gather with. Receiving gifts from people who felt as I did- having bought me a gift only from perceived obligation. 


Not anymore! Well not for me anyway!

Spending my time with people who matter, having experiences and creating memories together. Fewer presents more presence. Joyful drives to the places we go, the Christmas music, our time together, the laughter, the smiles, savoring the hot chocolate, the endless playful bantering. 

Spending my money on.. TIME!

On time spent together with loved ones. Ones I actually want to spend time with! Creating memories and laughter… and eye rolls! Christmas shows, concerts, and plays. Pentatonix, Elf The Musical, Christmas with the Celts, and so many more!  Oh and the annual 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning! And time spent at home just enjoying the company. Time spent together is time well spent! 

More smiles than sighing. More contentment than stress. Less of the wrong people and more of the right people. Less (none) of the drama and much more contentment. And- 

Fewer presents and more presence.

I don’t know if time can be bought. But I know for sure that time can be wasted. And beginning today, I hope you’ll join me in being more mindful of your time is spent. Be who you are, with whom you want to be with, and doing what you want to do! 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Whatever-You-Celebrate!

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