Bugs That Glow in the Dark

“Isn’t it weird that there are bugs that glow in the dark?” 

It’s 9:30pm and still a toasty and humid 86 degrees on a Monday evening in late June. Johnna (my 16 year old daughter) and I are out on a walk coming up a steep and challenging hill. She’s carrying her pricy designer sneakers because they were hurting her feet. She puts crease guards in them. Who ever heard of such a thing and no wonder they hurt her feet- shoes are supposed to crease, silly girl! 

About a third of the way up this long steep hill, as the lightning bugs dance all around us- “Isn’t it weird that there are bugs that glow in the dark?” she says in her soft youthful voice, as her appreciation of nature filled the air and made the stars above us twinkle. 

“It really is, isn’t it?” I answered, glancing over at her and seeing the her of 12 years ago.

Johnna, back yard May 30 2009

Before turning to look again at the road ahead of us, I blinked my eyes. Upon opening my eyes from blinking though, she looked quite a bit different.

Johnna, 16 yrs old

No less beautiful, but I had to wonder just how long I had blinked for. Walking next to me was this kind, bright, funny, soulful young lady about as tall as me, her eyes a mirror image of her dad’s, her smile lighting up the nighttime sky, and a voice that gives a fun and peaceful vibe of childlike innocence and wonder with just the tiniest hint of harmless trouble…the kind of trouble that would make a fairy giggle.

My heart filled with happiness, love, and a sense of relief, knowing that this little soul with a big heart is going to be okay long after I’m gone. That within her she carries a love of nature, a childlike curiosity, eyes that see the magic all around her, and a light no less bright, magical, and mysterious than all the fireflies in the world. 

I realize then that it seems I’ve missed quite a bit of those flashing lights in my own back yard during the last 16 1/2 years. Busy with family life and in admiration of the light within my daughter, I often didn’t consider the magic of the golden lights flashing in my yard. It was extra special to have been reminded of the magic of it all from the most magical girl I have ever known.

Thinking of this earth angel and listening to My Wish by Rascal Flatts. Smiling to myself as I look through some quotes I’d made over the years starring Johnna and realizing just how fitting they are of her. Seeing too, that she has perhaps unknowingly really studied the many quotes that she had me print, frame, and hang in her room years ago. 

Tonight my heart is happy. I hope as you consider all the light and magic within and around you that yours is too. And if you need reminded, just reach out- you know where to find me.

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