
Ever have an inspired thought or idea? I’m guessing so, I mean who hasn’t!

We allow most of our inspired ideas to come and go, never following up on them. Never taking action. Oftentimes it’s because we don’t know the “how’s,” or we think it simply wouldn’t be possible. The voices in our head throw excuse after excuse at us- we don’t have the skills, know the right people, in some way or fashion we simply don’t have the means. So we never start or try. Or maybe we start, then we lose steam and give up.

What one cannot argue though is that your inspired idea will never come to fruition if you do nothing more than think about it.

It was shortly after I gained a sudden and out-of-the-blue idea to purchase my first investment property a number of years ago, that I came across something that read in part, “When you have an inspired thought, you have to trust it; you have to act on it.” The idea for an investment property at that time seemed impossible and wasn’t something I’d ever really even considered doing. Yet the thought of it made me feel so alive. The idea set my soul on fire. I knew I had to pursue it even though I didn’t know how at first. Including not even knowing where I’d come up with the funds.

When I saw that quote though, I just knew it was for me. I jotted it down on a post-it note. I kept that post-it note in a binder that I would end up using for my first few investment properties. Until my paperwork outgrew what the binder could hold.

Do you have an inspired thought that you can recall in this moment? One that you haven’t followed up on or followed through with? If so, I challenge you, today, to take at least one small step or action towards it. Whether it’s researching, signing up for a class pertaining to it, talking to someone who is already doing it, watching YouTube videos that could be helpful, borrowing or buying a book on the subject, etc. I challenge you to allow that fire to be reignited and see where it takes you!

And the next time you have an inspired thought- know that inspiration is not random. If God / Source placed the desire and inspiration within you, trust that She also placed within you the means to see it through.

Not sure what move to make? Get still and ask yourself, “What is the next right move?” 

When seeds and bulbs are thrown in the dirt, they don’t think or worry about how they are going to bloom- they become the perfection that are simply by being themselves. You can do the same. Follow through on your dreams, your intuition, your inspirations. Wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.

I would love to hear what your inspired thoughts are and what moves you are going to make towards them!

Talk soon!

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