Becoming Nobody

Ever try to become nobody? 

It’s not as easy as it sounds.

I spent a good portion of my adult life trying to become somebody. At different times, different people. As I changed, the person I wanted to become changed.

Inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book Becoming Supernatural in 2018 and later trying to heed Ram Dass’s advice on Becoming Nobody, I began trying to do exactly that- become nobody. I’ve tried on and off for a few years and it’s not been easy.

Don’t get me wrong- I realize I’m nobody to a great many people. However the kind of nobody I’m referring to here is in becoming nobody to one’s own self- the feeling of contentment of not needing to be a somebody or a something. The lack of a need to feel important; a contentment in sheer existence. 

In meditation, being nobody is simple and natural. However during daily life it is quite different, but I have started to enjoy the challenge and benefits of aiming to become nobody. 

With the exception of meditation, my experience has shown the best way for me to become nobody is to dedicate myself to being of service to others. Shifting my focus from myself to serving others allows me to let go of self centeredness and gives God a way to work through me. 

If you have ever tried to become nobody, or decide to try, I would enjoy hearing from you. 

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