Everyone Doesn’t Hate me
“See that, everyone doesn’t hate me,” the man said… This is about a moment and connection shared between a good boy named Jackson and a rough-looking stranger on the street.
“See that, everyone doesn’t hate me,” the man said… This is about a moment and connection shared between a good boy named Jackson and a rough-looking stranger on the street.
Isn’t it weird that there are bugs that glow in the dark? A lot can happen in the blink of an eye…
Ever feel like you were just too much for some people? Or maybe even like you live in a completely separate world than others? Well, maybe you are and maybe you do!
The last few mornings when I’ve awoken and stepped outside There’s been a fairly strong aroma. Not overwhelmingly strong, but definitely impossible to miss. Taking a few slow deep breaths, I know without a doubt what this familiar aroma is, and a happy peaceful smile makes its way across my face…
Ever been ousted by a group you thought you belonged with or to? I have, and here I share my experience.
Mother’s Day isn’t just for moms. It’s a day to celebrate, and I invite you to view it from a new perspective! Here I share my own..
Have you ever tried to become nobody? I have! And here I share my thoughts and experiences with it.
What are some ways that you know full well, without a doubt, that it is time to exit a relationship / friendship? Here I share with you one clear way for me.
I love inspirational women and I love quotes. Here I share five of my favorite quotes from five of my favorite women!
Shhh… Do you hear that? If you listen carefully enough people will tell (show) you exactly who they are… and aren’t.