Authenticity- Closing the Gap

“Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world.” ~Adam Grant

In today’s fast-paced and complex world it can be challenging to stay true to ourselves at times. With so many competing priorities, it is easy to lose sight of our passions and forget what makes us unique. However, it is essential to stay authentic and true to ourselves, as this is the key to a happy and fulfilling life.

Intuition is an innate sense that we all possess, but often ignore or dismiss. It’s that gut feeling or inner voice that guides us towards what feels right and true for us. When we listen to our intuition, we tap into a deeper wisdom and make decisions that align with our core values and beliefs.

Passions are the things that ignite our soul and make us feel alive. Passions are the activities or pursuits that we love and are passionate about, regardless of whether they bring us fame or fortune. When we follow our passions, we tap into our creativity and unleash our full potential.

Being authentic means living in alignment with our true selves, rather than trying to fit into someone else’s mold. It means embracing our unique qualities, quirks, and imperfections, and not being afraid to show them to the world. When we’re authentic, we attract people and opportunities that are aligned with our values and beliefs, and we feel more fulfilled in our personal and professional lives.

So, how do we stay true to ourselves and follow our intuition, passions, and authentic selves? Here are some tips:

-Listen to your intuition. Pay attention to your inner voice and trust your instincts, even if they go against conventional wisdom.

-Pursue your passions. Make time for the things that bring you joy and fulfillment, even if they’re not directly related to your job or career.

-Embrace your authentic self. Be true to who you are and don’t try to change or hide your unique qualities and quirks.

-Surround yourself with supportive people. Build a community of people who share your values and beliefs and support you in pursuing your passions and authentic self.

In conclusion, staying true to ourselves and following our intuition, passions, and authentic selves is essential for a happy and fulfilling life. By embracing these principles, we can unlock our full potential and create a life that’s aligned with our core values and beliefs.

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