Are You Going To Eat That

Well that can’t even taste good going down!

Over the last few weeks I’ve found myself nearly shaking my head in disbelief as I drive down the highway. Not at other drivers, but at the billboard signs along the way.

The messages are so far from positive or healthy. 

In fact the ads are mind garbage. And in this I include the medical center ad that aims to plant the idea of sickness in our minds, and the “You Need Jesus” billboard conveying a message of lack or incompleteness.

The purpose of all of these advertisements is to sell us illness, fear, addiction, loss, struggle, darkness and distraction from our lives.

I have a question for us.

Are we going to buy it? Many of us will. But even if we’re not buying the products or services are we unconsciously buying the message? If we’ve not made a conscious decision to disallow the absorbing or consideration of such messages, there seems to be a strong probability that we’re unknowingly consuming the mind garbage. The mind poison. And, what goes in must come out. 

What I hope is that you don’t consume these messages.  I hope you don’t consume the ideas or beliefs of lack, illness, darkness, etc. When these notions go in, they must eventually come out. 

Consume the light. Consume the love. Consume health and wealth. Feed yourself with purpose and on purpose.

My hope is for a transformation of global consciousness and awareness. A more comprehensive understanding of our own divineness. And with it, the understanding of the importance of being aware of, being mindful of, and being choosy with what we consume. To realize that what we repeatedly take in and accept becomes who we are. To know that our diets are not just what we eat but also what we are reading, watching, listening to, the energy we are surrounding ourselves with, and even what we are thinking.

A transformation of global consciousness and awareness would mean that we would be more purposeful not only in choosing what we feed to our senses but also in what we allow or disallow others to feed to us.

1 thought on “Are You Going To Eat That”

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