A Snowy December Evening

An entire afternoon and evening spent with the one and only person (other than my mom) that I never tire of! My daughter!

In the days leading up to the forecasted snow storm, I was just SO excited and so looking forward to it. Something in my heart, my soul, I could just feel the happiness approaching. And not to my surprise, it turned out even better than I had felt it would! 

Do you ever know something without knowing how you know it, but you are just absolutely sure it is the truth? There is literally not a single ounce of doubt and it feels so good. Based on my experience it happens more often when we are 1) Aligned with our true self and on our authentic path, and/or 2) Open to receiving the Knowing (aka intuition).

I felt this happiness approaching for days, and sure enough each snow flake that fell from the sky was packed completely full of peace, good vibes, Christmassy feelings, and oh so much love! Thank you God!

Heading outside with Johnna
Walked down to the highway overpass
Johnna and Misha

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