A Recent Trip (to Earth)

I’m writing Home from a place called Earth. I’ve been here for just a few years so far.  

There are many species here. The species I least understand is a Human species called Homo sapiens. If you’d like, go ahead and have a seat next to me and I’ll share with you what I’ve found so far.


There are a lot of Homo sapiens. And I do mean A LOT.

They make an awful lot of noise and commotion. Loud cars, motorcycles, planes, trains, blaring music, yelling, etc. It seems Homo sapiens are trying to drown out all sounds of Peace- such as the sounds of leaves rustling as branches blow in the breeze, crickets chirping, raindrops bouncing and pouncing on the ground below, birds singing, etc.

I observe also that they tend to blind themselves to natural lights like stars, the moon and sun. When nighttime comes they turn on porch lights, spot lights, flood lights, security lights, decorative lights. The darkness that I love, the Homo sapiens seem to dislike or fear it. Their bright and blinding lights dim the twinkling stars. From many places the stars cannot be seen.

Homo sapiens seem to not enjoy the sunlight- they wear dark shades over their eyes that they call “sunglasses”- which are in fact anti-sun glasses! They build their houses with windows then cover them with blinds and shades and curtains that block the sunlight and views of nature. 

They complain when it gets warm or hot. They shut their windows and turn on what they call “air conditioning.” Though air conditioning actually pollutes the air.

Homo sapiens spend a seemingly disproportionate amount of time indoors, away from Nature and all its beauty. They miss out on the warm embodying hugs of the sunshine, on feeling One with the fresh crisp winter winds, on the endless soft and mystical songs of Mother Earth and all her creatures.

Homo sapiens also complain when it’s cold. “Is this species ever happy?” I often wonder to myself.

Some of them say that God is love, and that they believe in God. But they surely don’t live in a manner that reflects that belief. Rather they treat themselves and one another in many ways, none of which seem like love to me.

Many Homo sapiens drive around in big metal machines called vehicles. They slap decals and stickers on these vehicles- of  things like  deer, of antlers, of fish, etc. But it’s not because they celebrate the deer or fish. Rather it’s their way of boasting to strangers that they kill these beings. Yes, they are this barbaric and proud of it. 

They tell their children to dream big and that they can do whatever they set their minds to. But then they tell their children what to do, what not to do, who to be, and how to live! 

Some Homo sapiens say, “family is everything.” But then treat family as if they’re nothing. 

They have what they call Social Media, but they sign onto this Social Media and act any way but social. 

Some go to a place called church on Sundays to become a better version of themselves, then leave and spend the next six and a half days tearing themselves and each other apart. 

The adults tell children not to bully. Then the adults proceed to bully beyond belief! Going as far as erecting billboards serving solely to bully and to lure other weak-minded folks to join their hate-based missions. The adults even use their “social” media to bully other adults. Relentlessly. Shamelessly. Proudly.

Perhaps the most ironic part? The term Homo sapiens, in Latin means “wise man.” 


There are many other species here on Earth. Some have wings, some have fur. Some with gills, some with shells. Should you choose to befriend a few, I think you’ll not be disappointed.

Hidden treasures: I’ve also found a few treasures disguised as Homo sapiens. Pay close enough attention though and you may catch a glimpse of their wings.

In closing, I’ve chosen to stay and finish out my time here on Earth until God calls me Home. When this trip is over though, believe me when I say I’ll be more than happy to return Home!

Listening to a couple of songs- Sawyer Brown and Alabama

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