A Gift To Myself

Christmas Gifts. A different perspective. My perspective.

It’s early Christmas Eve morning. My daughter is still sleeping. But the house isn’t quiet. The animals are all stirring. The dogs are romping around demanding to be fed early. Every few minutes they change it up and wrestle with one another instead. Two of the cats are meowing outside the door to come in, they know I’m awake. In between meows I hear them jumping from the kitchen countertops to the floor. I hear a toy ball with a bell in it being batted around the floor. When it stops, I assume it’s under the stove again

It’s nearly chaos. But I’m needed, and being needed is a gift. Without their insanity, I would lose my own sanity.

Busted with a stolen Santa hat
Trees are for climbing, right?
Busted chewing our new decoration

It’s often said that we see what want to see. In a way that seems a little over simplified or maybe it’s just the wording. I feel we see what we choose to see. When I was seeing loneliness and emptiness during the holidays in recent years I certainly didn’t want to see (or feel) those things! What I didn’t know during those times was that I could simply choose to see other things. It would be as simple as turning my head- changing my focus.

The newly found solitude that I felt I was a victim to wasn’t a punishment at all. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth! It was a gift. Once I stopped dwelling in my sadness and even self-pity, I discovered it was in fact the opportunity of a lifetime. And one that not many people get! An opportunity to rebuild my life in whatever way I saw fit, with whoever and whatever I wanted. I was no longer tied to being or trapped being the person I was always expected to be and was told I was and even thought I was.

My wish for you this Christmas is that you find the gifts and power that are already within you. Love. Peace. The Christmas Spirit. And the ability to find your own ways to share them. At Christmastime and always.

Merry Christmas Eve!


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