A Cold Winter’s Day

An open letter to my daughter on Valentine’s Day 2024

My goodness. It’s Valentine’s Day.

What is Valentine’s Day to me?

Valentine’s Day is you and me. Patrick and Bum-Bum. Hilary and Assistant Desta.

Your class parties in elementary school- me volunteering so I didn’t miss a single moment that I didn’t have to.

Sitting at the dining room table with you as you wrote out your Valentines. You put so much thought and care into which classmates got which Valentine.

100th Day of School projects. Sticker Albums. Endless crafts. Friendship pins- do you remember those?

Grilled cheese, tomato soup, and crackers. You and me.

Making Valentine’s Day themed snacks and treats.

Setting up our Valentine’s Day tree. Writing out Valentines to all the animals. And each other.

Your rosy cheeks. Sometimes at school, from all the excitement at and over your classroom parties. Sometimes at home, from playing outside in the snow. Sometimes just from the wind and chilly air. Your face was always flushed, your cheeks so rosy, you’ve always been so full of life.

Snow days. You and me.

Your smile. You were always, always smiling.

The laughter. You and me. And Mook. {our cat}

Sunny winter afternoons at home. You and me.

Naptime before your dad got home from work and your brother got home from school. You and me.

You have always been the sweetest, kindest, funniest, most thoughtful human being. From a small young girl to the 19-year-old young woman you are today, you have always, always been my very favorite person to spend time with. You have always been my first choice. You have always been sunshine in my life. Who you are, to your very core, is love. A wise and gentle soul mixed with the human persona of a “tough girl.”

“Time spent with my daughter on a cold winter’s day” is what Valentine’s Day is to me.

Happy Valentine’s Day Johnna London!

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