The Rainbow’s Daughter

The Fortress Of the Moon

She was born in the light, of the light, and light is what she broadcasts. Light is what she sprinkles, light is what she shines upon the world around her. And to her mom, her grandmother, and her great-grandmother, Light is who she is.

She turns 17 in two days. Who’s counting though- she’s timeless. 

October 25, 2004

Dear Little One,

Yesterday, I witnessed a miracle. As I sat on your porch, God painted a perfect rainbow across the sky! It was as if He was saying, “this is a reminder of my love….my love for the precious Little One that is coming into your life.”

And today, another miracle will occur. YOU!!!! A perfect little baby to gaze at God’s creations; To hold the fuzzy caterpillars, to run and play with the dogs, to giggle as the cat’s whiskers rub against your cheeks. Oh, beloved baby, there will be so much for you to experience in this world!!! Music, song, oceans, mountains, rivers and lakes….and LOVE! So much love!!!!

Let me tell you now, Precious, I will always be there to hold your hand, to give you a hug, to listen to your stories, to share your “rainbows.”

I love you, with all my heart.

Hugs and kisses from,
Your Gammy

(Johnna’s grandmother “Gammy” passed away three weeks before Johnna’s 10th birthday. There is zero doubt though that she’s still holding Johnna’s hand and listening to her stories. And sharing rainbows too.)

October 23, 2021

I knew for days the rainbow would be here. I felt it in the making. Then this morning Mother Earth whispered that the rainbow would reveal itself today. The clouds and rain, the breaks between. The fog, the sun, the warmth, the chill. I watched and checked and waited nearly every hour. And sure enough, not long before the sun would set, “Johnna come here! Your rainbow! This is your rainbow!” 


August 8, 2005

Dear Johnna London, Child of the Universe

Congratulations! I hear you have your first tooth! Do you know that’s a miracle? Where did that tooth come from? How did it begin, and know how to grow? We are surrounded with everyday miracles. Do you know that the whole pattern for a flower is in the seed? It knows what kind of flower it will be, what color, what shape leaves it will have? A world full of magic awaits your exploration!

Every bird brows feathers without even trying and each little bird has its own little song to sing. As a child you experience your world with a sense of wonder. Hold on to that excitement as you grow, and the world will reveal miracle after miracle to you. Where do dreams come from? Do you dream? What do you dream about? And imagination is a great gift. Everything in the world began with imagination, and I know you will use yours wisely and well. Again, we send our love and congratulate you on your first tooth. You are surrounded by love and light and were born into a wonderful family who will help you along the way. Bless you and your magic tooth!


Mom-Mom & Pop-Pop Adair

P.S. Jesse is a miracle too!

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