Can’t You Smell That Smell?

The last few mornings when I’ve awoken and stepped outside

There’s been a pleasant aroma that one can’t help but notice. Taking a few slow deep breaths, I know without a doubt what this familiar aroma is, and a happy peaceful smile makes its way across my face. 


Ahh yes. It’s the sweet smell of hope in the air. The fluttering about of new beginnings. Infinite possibilities and promises of better tomorrows are fluttering about all around me. Wispy breezes dance about my skin, passing by and delivering to me mysterious whispers of beauties not yet seen or felt but on their way. I find myself surrounded by sweetly-scented sparkly particles of magic, simply everywhere! And all around me I hear what I can only imagine to be dainty little fairies giggling as they scamper about, all whilst staying out of sight as fairies tend to do.

Back yard
Back yard

A renewed and overwhelming joy in waking to each new day, never being guaranteed or having complete control over what shall be. Having dreams and goals and hopes and visions, yet accepting detours, shutdowns, and those that serve as obstacles. If this life isn’t magic then I simply don’t know what is! 

Our greatest stresses, our deepest pains, our hardest lessons- often they become our greatest strengths and purpose. How this is, how this works, I don’t need to know. After doing all I can with what I have from where I am, I let go and let God- knowing all is well, and that is all I need to know.

I hope each time you step foot outdoors these same majestic breezes find you. I hope when they do that you stop for a moment and bask in the goodness that is and the goodness yet to come. Bask in the hope. The hopes and promises of beautifully breathtaking todays and even better tomorrows. And smile. For this moment is all we have.

Currently listening to the magic of nature in my backyard.

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