January 2023

The Sanctuary

Did you come to church, The people said. Did you join us there for wine and bread. No, I didn’t was my reply. Instead I watched a cloud pass by. And (He) shed a tear for all to see. This piece was written by my mom- Author Susan Adair Lupold. There was originally more to …

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Talks with Dad

“I wanted to be your dad. And I wanted you to be my daughter” My dad, last night at the dining room table.

Flowers from London

“I got you flowers.”  I was fast asleep all snug in my bed when I was awoken by those words. They were spoken gently by my teenage daughter who was standing at my bedside. I awoke and groggily asked, “Why?” as she held them before me. “Just because,” she answered as she extended them towards me. A day …

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Breakfast with Johnna

Never wanted my baby girl to grow up. Yet I find myself immersed in the wonder of who she’ll be, so proud of who she is. Grateful for the fun and happy years spending so much time with who she’s been. Taking in each moment big and small, as the balance between mommy, mom, and …

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