December 2021

Winter Solstice ’21

Winter Solstice again upon us, my heart is filled with joy, excitement, and anticipation.  So much to look forward to! The shortest day of the year- that in and of itself is pretty darn cool! And the knowing that each day is getting longer for the next 6 months is both a reminder to enjoy …

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The Gambler

So I’ve almost never gambled. Almost, because I once quit a job after two hours. I left on my lunch break and never went back. Instead I stopped at a local convenience store, picked up a Pennsylvania lottery ticket, and proceeded home.  And don’t you know it- I won! I mean the ticket was a …

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My Year

I know we’re not supposed to do this since The Great Curse of 2020 (and apparently 2021 also!). And in fact I’ve never done it before. But… WHAT IF.. What if I did? 2022 is going to be MY YEAR! Sparks’ll be flyin’, my heart will be singin’!  Whispers of dreams long dreamt will transform …

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Buying Time

Who says you can’t buy time?  The holiday season again upon us, I find myself content and barely stressed. Well, except for that one night… But all in all a much different state of mind than in times passed. Shopping frenzies a thing of the past. A fading but never forgotten memory. After all, how …

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My Way, Not Yours

I was out on my nightly jog last evening with my best friend Jackson. He wasn’t talking much so my mind began to wander.  I was recalling a recent conversation with a few acquaintances. I had mentioned to them that I used to tell people I didn’t go to college because I “couldn’t really,” because …

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