10 Year Challenge

A 10 Year Challenge- Is this actually a thing?

Over the last week or so, opening social media has meant seeing photos that your friends are posting of themselves 10 years ago and a photo of themselves in current times. Not feeling engaged in it, I hadn’t partaken until now. 

A bit more fun to me than simply what I looked like 10 years ago versus today is how I and my life have progressed, changed, grown, and transformed. Worry not- I won’t bore us with the details of such.

Rather, this is about the earning of badges.

Back then, I was a Girl Scout Leader for my little girl’s Daisy Girl Scout Troop. Arts and crafts, smiles and laughs. The earning of badges to be adorned upon their little blue tunics. Ah, the memories.

January 2012

In keeping my word, let’s fast forward 10 years-

In looking back to 2012 I realize I’ve earned my own badges. I smile more, cry less. Standards have risen, unhealthy ties broken. My circle is smaller, the quality higher. 

These badges I’ve earned they’re worn in plain sight. They’re the lines and wrinkles and strands of grey I see in the mirror. 

October 2021

These badges, as women, we too often try to hide. We strive to be perfect and youthful and have smooth perfected complexions. Perhaps ideal, yet what if we did? I wouldn’t go back if I could. I’d have to trade my wisdom, my years, my experiences, the laughter and tears. For a more youthful face, no thank you. I’ve worked for these badges- I’ve given life to my babies, and held them and kissed them. I’ve hugged them, laughed with them, cried with them. I’ll not trade a single wrinkle for those experiences. 

I married, I loved, I struggled alone. Hit rock bottom then started to build with each stone, each rock that’d been thrown at me. I’d not tear it down to be rid of a wrinkle. 

I’ve struggled, I’ve failed, I’ve come back and prevailed. 

I’ve held puppies and kittens and carried them when they became too frail to walk on their own. I’ve answered middle-of-the-night and wee-early-hours phone calls from friends and from family who needed my help. I’ve rushed to the hospital for things I wished never happened. If being there when needed came with a few grey hairs, a wrinkle or two, I’ll surely take them.

These badges they came not alone, they brought along a heart that feels lighter and eyes that shine brighter. They brought along kindness and wisdom. A yearning to serve over a yearning to be served. These badges they’re worth it, I’ll wear them with gratitude!

I hope you, too, have enjoyed earning your badges. Here’s to another 10 year years and earning even more- cheers. 

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